Migun Therapy, Physiotherapeutic Massage
Migun Therapy is a comfortable, relaxing, and enjoyable treatment that focuses on reducing stress and pain levels by incorporating the science of movement. It helps to improve, restore, maintain, and maximize motion, functional strength, and overall well-being by addressing underlying issues.
This FDA cleared class II medical device is designed to treat many different kinds of pain, including those resulting from both acute and chronic conditions.

- Back pain
- Bulging disks
- Whiplash
- Chronic fatigue
- Shoulder pain
- Knee pain
- Neuropathy
- Wound healing
- Text neck
- Fibromyalgia
- Sciatica
- Neck pain
- Residual pain from chemotherapy
- Foot pain
- Sports injuries
- Residual pain from prior injuries
- Chronic pain
- Arthritis (including rheumatoid)
Migun Therapy provides gradual, cumulative relief and improvement. Everyone is different; most people will see significant results within two to four weeks. Many people will notice results after two to four sessions, and occasionally, even one session may provide much-needed relief. Those with chronic conditions may take one to three months to see a significant improvement, although gradual improvement is noted in most cases during this time.
During a Therapy session, you will lie down fully clothed (removing only your belt and shoes) for a relaxing 15 to 30-minute treatment. If you experience any discomfort during your session, it means you need to adjust the padding level to accommodate your current needs.
Migun's new technology combines natural treatments inspired by the sciences of traction, acupressure, massage, and far-infrared heat therapy. These combined treatments were specifically chosen as the best modalities to help improve the body's structure and function, with the intention of reducing pain and alleviating stress. Regular treatments can help to reduce or eliminate many of the undesirable effects that pain and stress can cause in the body.
A scientifically engineered track helps to gently, flex, and stretch the spine encouraging a neutral spine position, which helps to protect the spine from excessive stress or strain and which helps to support the natural curve of the spine. Patented jade probes apply targeted acupressure along the autonomic nervous system helping to encourage balance and calm.
Deep far-infrared heat penetrates and relaxes the muscles, fascia, tendons, and ligaments along the sides of the spine as you are massaged from the top of your head to the bottom of your tailbone and up and down both legs.
These treatments help to reduce or eliminate pain from connective tissue diseases and help to bring balance to the body, encouraging homeostasis.
Homeostasis is the natural condition of a healthy body. It is when all the automatic functions that happen in your body are balanced and working properly which naturally helps to eliminate symptoms, reduce pain, reduce stress, improve sleep, and balance energy levels and mood.
Treatment of the lower legs helps to alleviate leg, knee and foot pain and numbness. It also helps to encourage better circulation and healing in the lower extremities and feet.
Each Migun Physiotherapy Table also comes equipped with a 2-jade and 15-jade hand-held far-infrared deep heat projector. These hand-held devices can be placed on different areas of the body to customize your Migun Therapy treatment, helping to increase circulation, relax muscles, and speed healing in targeted areas. Treatment areas may include the abdomen, shoulder, wrist, hips, chest, knees, ankles, hands or feet and they can also be used to provide deep muscle relaxation for hard to reach muscles, such as the psoas, piriformis, and iliotibial bands (IT bands).
Consult with your physician before using Migun therapy if you have any of the following conditions:
- Phlebitis/blood clots
- Fused discs or implanted spinal/scoliosis rods or any other spinal hardware/implants that react to heat or which cannot tolerate pressure from massage.
- Fractures or suspected fractures or other traumatic injuries that have not healed
- Malignant tumors or currently receiving cancer treatment
- Are currently pregnant
- eactive skin disorders such as prickly heat rash or photoallergic dermatitis
- Surgery within the past six months
- Severe osteoporosis
- Pacemaker, ICD
- Acute disease or pain
- Perception disorder
- High Fever
- Artificial organs or skeletons
Are you interested in learning more about how Village Family Clinic can treat your pain with Migun Therapy? Please call or email us at:
Call or Text Us: (908) 813-8200
Email: info@allamuchyfamilyclinic.com