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Chiropractic Care for Frozen Shoulder

Thursday, May 05, 2022
Village Family Clinic - Chiropractic Care

Shoulder pain is one of the most common and persistent (yet treatable) body pain. General pain and in the shoulder can be attributed to what is commonly known as “frozen shoulder”. Pain associated with frozen shoulder can start as something rather tolerable but gradually worsens over time. A recurring complaint that our patients who seek chiropractic care for shoulder pain is that the pain has graduated to the point of robbing them of sleep. For far too many, this is the final straw that motivates them to seek pain management services. We’re happy to help but sad that so many could have realized real pain relief from their shoulder pain long ago.

If you ask any of our clinic’s patients, they’ll testify that chiropractic’s is an effective relief for frozen shoulders. Our therapy services involve the application of pressure and stretches to key points of the shoulder that reduces inflammation and bodily structural alignment. This is a combination that helps reduce pain and puts you in a position to end this pain entirely.

We use the trusted chiropractic technique called the Niel Asher Technique. The trigger points in the shoulder and biceps to retrain the nerve around the shoulder joint alongside massage treatment. The pressing of these trigger points in this uniform and repetitive way sends a signal to the brain to release and turn on these muscles to allow movement. The patient will see a different improvement in their shoulder after each session and once completed, the frozen shoulder will unlikely resurface in the same shoulder.

For more tips on Chiropractic care for Frozen shoulder, contact Village Family Clinic.

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